Tuesday, November 19, 2013

5 Great Marketing Tips from My Favorite Internet Gurus

Pardon this slight Google+ verification interruption: Google+

Staying up to date with online marketing is a full-time job in itself, so there is no way to read everything that is "out there" in cyberspace. But still, I need to keep up with changes, trends, important news, and of course Google's latest moves. Thankfully, there are some people in the industry that do not have ADHD like I do (Look, Squirrel!) and stay on top of all these things. Even better, they share!!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Tweak Your Business's Social Marketing for 2013

Photo courtesy of KROMKRATHOG via FreeDepositPhotos.net

Because of the success of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, it seems that a new site is launched every day. Some of these websites are very successful--- think Pinterest, Instagram and Google+. Other sites sometimes struggle to gain followers. After all, it is hard to draw people away from a site where all their friends hang out, unless something truly unique is being offered. 

The social media landscape today is not what it was a year ago. Who expected Google+ to shoot up so quickly in the rankings and overtake Twitter for the number 2 spot? The point is, we need to continually adapt to the changes that come our way and find new ways to capitalize on them for our businesses. 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Special Discount for New Clients!

Thanks for stopping by!  If we have worked together before, you know that I only do high-quality work and make sure that my clients are satisfied. 

If you have found your way here from around the net, it is likely because you need help building your online presence, getting found online and driving traffic and revenue to your business! 

I can help you with all of those things! The good news is that to earn the business of new clients, I offer a discount of 30% off my standard fees for your first order. There is no limit as to the size and scope of the project, and I only ask for a deposit of  one-half of the project fees to get started. You can order here on the site--- over there to the right >>>>>>>>> 
You can also email me at denise.gabbard@gmail.com with any questions.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Online Presence--Four Tactics to Focus On Now!

If you have a business, whether you craft fancy hair bows for baby girls, rent trailers to construction companies or provide outsourced business services--- an online presence is mandatory in today's business environment! 

Building an effective presence in cyberspace can make the difference between success and failure of your business; nurturing your online presence is something that needs to be done daily. Understandably, many business owners wear many hats and adding these tasks means putting in (even) longer hours.